Our Program

Quality over Quantity

We chose the name for this page because we feel like it is crucial to adopt a seedstock supplier who has a specific program or direction. That program should align with your philosophy, breeding program, and primarily your financial decisions. Our program is geared toward commercial customers who utilize a terminal crossbreeding system. We believe the most efficient and profitable commercial operations use breed complementarity and focus on maternal and terminal traits in those breeds that do them well.

Our Focus

Most business decisions today are determined by data. Why should your commercial cattle business be any different? Our goal is to supply our customers with the most data possible for your decisions. We want to supply you with all the raw performance data, ultrasound data, genomic data, and now even feed efficiency data. But don’t forget all of this data rolls up into a very predictable Genomic Enhanced EPD.

Our Roots

Our roots are in the commercial cow/calf segment. Subsequently, we laid a foundation with experience in feeder calf marketing, stocker operations, and retained ownership programs. In each of these segments, we saw that the right Charolais cattle would excel above any other breed. We studied the Horton Conception to Consumption program in the '90s, where year in and year out Charolais had the net profit sire and dominated the other breeds involved. We studied individual feedlot and carcass data from various producers, A.I. companies, and breed associations. We assembled Charolais genetics that excelled in feedlot and carcass quality even before we had carcass EPD’s or a Terminal Sire Index. We believe in a high-quality end product for the consumer, while also supplying that product efficiently and profitably for the producer.

Why Marbling?

We see choice/select spreads on fed cattle reach above the $20 range and prime/select spreads over $40; for an 800lb carcass, that is upwards of $160 and $320 per carcass, respectively. The United States has established itself as a high-quality beef market, and that is not changing any time soon. The challenge is achieving those quality premiums without giving up yield, which is where high marbling Charolais cattle come in. You get to have your cake and eat it too, with cattle that both grade and yield.

As we see cow size increase across the country, there is lots of research going on that suggests no matter how much more growth we put in our cows, we have maxed out weaning weight because of our limited resources. For example, if we have 300 acres and can keep 100 cows on the resources provided of those 300 acres. I can then wean 100 calves at 600 lbs or 60,000 lbs of calves. Research suggests that if we increase the size or growth genetics of those cows we likely will not increase their output (60,000 lbs of calves) without increasing their inputs. If our inputs are fixed at 300 acres, weaning weights will not rise unless we buy more land or feed.

Why Terminal Crossbreeding?

So how do we increase profitability on a commercial operation without buying more land or feed or other inputs? The answer is in a terminal crossbreeding system. Selecting for smaller, more efficient maternal cows may allow us to add more cows on the 300 acres, therefore increasing our output without increasing our inputs. Now maybe we can keep 110 cows on 300 acres. We use high growth Charolais bulls and do not have to give up anything on weaning weight, except now we produced $66,000 lbs of calves at weaning with the same inputs.
JMAR sired calves in the feed yard.

We Want To Hear From You!


Jim and Martha Johnson

Contact us


Appomattox, VA
